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The Gateway Learning Community

The Gateway Learning Community

Herringham Primary Academy

Herringham Primary Academy

Tilbury Pioneer Academy

Tilbury Pioneer Academy

Gateway Secondary Academy

Gateway Secondary Academy

Gateway Primary Free School

Gateway Primary Free School

Lansdowne Primary Academy

Lansdowne Primary Academy

All Different: All Equal
Together, Improving Upon Our Best

The GLC Governors Meeting

The GLC directors and governors came together on the evening of Monday 30th September to discuss the current structure of governance which followed feedback from governors and staff.

The aims were to:

  • To revisit our mission, motto and values;
  • To revisit the current structure and rationale for change; 
  • To ensure clarity about responsibilities;  
  • Explore possible models and make recommendations to the board;
  • To agree the name of the ‘body’ and ‘people’;
  • To find out about your skills and interests.

Many interesting conversations were had and the group will come back together again later in the autumn term for the next steps.

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